
jeudi 18 février 2016

Get to know me!

Before starting to post articles, I thought an introduction about me would be better as a start, and so here you'll find answers to some questions I thought important as a presentation. Here we go!!
- Who am I?
My name is Hasna LACHHAB, I'm a moroccan girl loving life. I study business management at college (third year). I'm 20 years old.

- Why blogging?
It all started with instagram, as I love taking photos to capture the moment. And as I have things to talk about - which can't be done with instagram as it is mainly for photos - I thought a blog can't be a bad idea!

- What is it going to be about?
As the name refers to it, it's going to be about girly diaries, of course not the boring ones, but those that can inspire you as girls: food, coffee, outfits, books, make-up...

I hope that was enough as an introduction, hope my future articles will inspire you! Much love ❤

mardi 16 février 2016

My breakfast for a week #1

In this article on my newish blog, I thought talking about food would be suitable as I'm a food lover. And so, I suggest here my breakfast for a whole week, which makes it seven breakfast ideas to inspire you.
Day 1: I took a cup of morrocan tea made with black tea, a madeleine, and little bowl of yoghurt, strawberries and berries. I was heading to school and so I was in a rush. That's why I kept it simple.
Day 2: I woke up at around 11am as I had no classes for the morning. I was so hangry and feeling lazy. I took a cup of moroccan tea with mint this time. About two strawberries, and pancakes with homemade marmelade of berries and a spoon of yoghurt on the top.
Day 3: on the third day I was studying for an exam and I didn't have much time for a sophisticated breakfast. So I thought about something healthy and energetic and I made that bowl of yoghurt, banans, strawberries, chocolate and almond.

Day 4: I woke up a bit early that day at about 9am (that is early for me), as I had some work to get done outside and so I made a juice of orange and strawberries (you can notice that I adore strawberries), a cup of coffee, and some pancakes with chocolate and strawberries made the day before.

Day 5: I couldn't wake it any early that day. It was 12am when I realized that the morning went by while I was sleeping. And because I had a class at 2 pm I didn't take breakfast as lunch was already made by my mother so a cup of orange juice in the garden was quiet enough.
Day 6: the weekend is here!! (Almost all my mornings were a piece of the weekend hahaha) but nothing feels like Saturday when I have no school and no work. So I took my time to make a smoothie of chocolate and strawberries with my favourite chocolate (schotten) on the top and some cookies and moroccan cookies. I took that delicious breakfast while watching TV. 

Day 7: Sunday is the right time for a big breakfast at bed like a queen. Some cookies, a piece of cake with chocolate and yoghurt, coffee and orange juice. While making plans for the week to come!
I hope I could give you some inspiring breakfast ideas. Don't hesitate to follow me on Instagram (@hasna.diaries) and see my daily breakfasts as well as other things I post every day. See you soon. Much love ❤