This sentence made me think things through, in life we face
so many struggles, obstacles and troubles depending on what we’re seeking, we
tumble, break down and then get up. We get hurt and in so many cases it takes
time to heal up again. Some just stay still with no progress, blaming themselves and the whole world for this
tumble, overlooing the bright side of it ; it absolutely must teach you
- Keep asking yourself : what did I learn from this failure? Such an experience shouldn’t just pass by with no lessons and wisdom. This is life ; you can’t live it without being armed with lessons, and learning them is worth the pain.
- You know what happens after a germ gets in your body ? Your immune system gets stronger so if ever that germ comes back again it’s less dangerous, less painfull because then your body has already the weapons to fight against it. It’s the same with life.
- There’s no compaison between someone lived life and felt the pain and another one that hided between four walls afraid to live life to the fullest.
So don’t you ever be gloomy or dwell on a friend’d
unfaithfulness, a bad mark, or not acheiving something…breathe well, take it
easy, don’t overrate it, because expriences strengthen your immune system.
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